Making It / Winning the Magic Internet Lottery
Think about why you're selling what you're selling. | an essay trying to convey a few sentences.
If you think money can will improve your life, you clearly you haven’t met yourself. You are reading substack instead of going outside and spending time with friends and/or family. You are always going to be like this and money will not fix it. This isn’t necessarily bad, especially if you’re just very proud to be you. The ‘fren-pilled’ take is that you just don’t have the right friends around you for whatever reason and you’re just now trying to do something about that. But how can you find people that aren’t just edgy internet schizos that own the same NFT as you?
Find something that matters to you. Find some way you can add value to that thing. Find people like you and work on something together in a way that adds value to something that matters to all of you. Don’t waste your brain on forking sushiswap for the 1000th time. Don’t make [ADJECTIVE] [SPECIES] + [VEHICLE] [GROUP] NFTs. Someone in India is already being paid on fiverr to do that. You are better than that.
Milady is the best example of almost doing that and is definitely on trajectory to become the first project/community seriously enabling people to build things together, make friends that aren’t farming clout, learn new skills, etcetera. Ride this wave as hard as you possibly can and be as active as humanly possible. Make as many connections as possible. Always be yourself. Be supportive, welcoming, honest, friendly, helpful, etcetera. Do not mess this up. This is potentially the origin story for an insane amount of Urbit startups, general crypto projects, niche internet celebrities, you name it. Be part of it.
Let’s say Seed Oil Capital is right about the 100 ETH per Milady call. Now you have a few hundred thousand dollars and a few developer friends. If you have 4 friends, that’s already a million dollars collectively. That is a lot of money no matter who you are. $5000 is a lot of money. $1,000,000 is a LOT of money.
There is 0 reason not to throw that money into working on some project together.
It doesn’t matter what the project is or what your background is. Learn something while you can. These people are all weird and genuine to some extent. If you have a Milady as your profile picture, you’re already not normal. You can be weird around these people and they will welcome you with open arms. Anyone in this space that knows how to do something has been more than happy to help me figure out how to do it or has been happy to do it themselves.
No other community is actively like this. Strike while the iron is hot.